Our Website Is A Winner At The CSS Design Awards


Our Website Is A Winner At The CSS Design Awards

We’re proud to announce that our new website – yes, the one you’re on right now – recently won several honors from the CSS Design Awards! Thanks to plenty of hard work from our partners at Traina Design, our site received Special Kudos as well as awards for UX, UI, and Innovation.

What are the CSS Design Awards? Good question. In their own words, “The CSS Design Awards are an international web design and development award platform that honors and showcases freelance designers, studios and agencies for work that pushes the boundaries of UI, UX and innovative development. Backed by an international panel of expert judges, winners are rewarded with official certificates, prestigious trophies and recognition from industry leaders along with tens of thousands of daily visitors to the CSSDA site.”

Our thanks goes out to the team at Traina Design, the CSS Design Awards judges, and the public voters who selected our site. And to you, for coming to see what’s new in Brooklyn. We invite you to join us in celebrating the best way we know: opening a beer and clicking around the site for a while. We’re a little biased, but we think it’s a good time.